looking back over this year we give thanks to God and the provision He has made for the feeding center, House of Hope. Back in April we were looking at walls. I recall praying and asking God to please make provision for this feeding center. Being so passionately driven to see this project complete my drive at times was not on God's gear.
Every time I drive into Yarumela, the location of the feeding center Zack and Alexander the twins were always asking "when will you open"? I would say "keep praying God will make a way". Shortly after April things changed. God provided the rest of the cinder blocks, the walls, the cementing of the walls, the second floor terrace and the roof. I said to Zack and Alexander "thanks for praying". You see God hears our prayers and shows up at the right time.
The summer was approaching and the building needed a floor, balcony bars and windows. I said to Zack and Alexander "keep praying I am heading to the states to visit churches, family and friends, let's pray God provides for these needs". The summer came to an end and for a moment I gave up hope. I thought maybe this is not the time. All the meetings, speaking engagements and church visits began to respond to this call for help. God made provision and little by little everything was provided. A feeling of accomplishment and knowing that God hears our prayers was overwhelming. Overwhelming with Joy and thanksgiving. Over a year ago we were looking upon grass and now we look at a building House of Hope that God will use in a very powerful way.
